
Connection between Native Hawaiians and Polynesians

The connection between Native Hawaiians and Polynesians is based on deep historical background and cultural ties. The indigenous peoples of the Hawaiian Islands belong to the Polynesian language family and form part of the broader Polynesian cultural area. This cultural region spans a wide area of ​​the Pacific Ocean and includes islands such as New Zealand (Maori), Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji. Native Hawaiians and the inhabitants of these Polynesian islands have much in common, including language, culture, traditions, and navigational techniques.

historical background

History of migration

Modern archaeological and genetic research suggests that the first humans arrived in the Hawaiian Islands during long-distance voyages from the southern Polynesian region around 300 to 600 AD. These early Polynesian voyagers, with their advanced navigational skills and deep maritime knowledge, traveled across the vast Pacific Ocean to discover and settle new lands.

cultural ties

Hawaiian culture has developed with influences from throughout the Polynesian cultural area. Many cultural elements are common throughout Polynesia, including language, religious beliefs, social structure, art, hula, and music.

Sharing navigation skills and knowledge

navigation technology

Polynesians, especially Native Hawaiians, had excellent navigation skills that allowed them to voyage over long distances by interpreting the position of the stars, ocean currents, wind direction, and the movements of birds and clouds. This knowledge was passed down orally from generation to generation, facilitating contact between Hawaii and other Polynesian islands.

What culture and tradition have in common

social structure and religion

The social structure of Hawaii and other Polynesian islands was based on a hierarchical system, with a system of chieftains. They also share an animistic religious view that worships nature and ancestors, and many myths and legends are similar.

art and dance

Dances such as hula, art forms such as tattooing, wood carving, and weaving are common cultural expressions found throughout Polynesian culture. This art shows respect for each island's history, legends and natural environment.

The connection between Native Hawaiians and Polynesians is strengthened by their shared cultural background and historical past. This deep relationship is an essential part of understanding Hawaiian culture and forms the rich heritage and identity of all of Polynesia, including Hawaii.

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