
Temperature comparison in Hawaii: Differences with Japan


Hawaii and Japan are both known as attractive tourist destinations, but there are big differences in their climates. In this article, we will take a closer look at the differences in temperature between Hawaii and Japan, and explore the characteristics of temperatures in each season and their impact on travelers.

Characteristics of Hawaii's Climate

Hawaii has a tropical climate and is warm throughout the year. The average temperature is between 20 and 30 degrees, with little seasonal variation. The main seasons are the dry season and the rainy season.

  • Dry Season (April to October) : This is Hawaii's peak tourist season. There is lots of sunshine and little rainfall. Temperatures range from 25 to 30 degrees, making it perfect for beach and outdoor activities.
  • Rainy season (November to March) : Although it is the rainy season, it mostly rains at night and is mostly sunny during the day. The temperature is relatively warm at 20 to 25 degrees, so it has little impact on travel.

Characteristics of Japan's Climate

Japan has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, each with its own distinctive temperature changes.

  • Spring (March to May) : Cherry blossoms bloom and the weather gradually warms up, with average temperatures ranging from 10 to 20 degrees.
  • Summer (June to August) : Summer in Japan is hot and humid, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C. The humidity is especially high during the rainy season, making the temperature feel higher.
  • Autumn (September to November) : This is the season when the leaves change color beautifully and the temperature is around 20°C. The weather is comfortable, but typhoons can occur.
  • Winter (December to February) : A cold season, with snowfall common in the north and temperatures sometimes dropping below zero.

Temperature comparison

When comparing temperatures in Hawaii and Japan, we can see that Hawaii is warmer and more stable throughout the year. Below are the average temperatures for each month.

Average monthly temperatures (Celsius)

Month Hawaii (Honolulu) Tokyo Sapporo
January 23.7 5.2 -3.6
February 23.8 6.1 -3.1
March 24.3 9.8 0.3
April 25.3 15.2 6.2
May 26.3 19.5 11.9
June 27.1 22.2 16.0
July 27.9 25.4 20.6
August 28.3 26.4 22.1
September 28.0 23.1 17.2
October 27.2 17.9 10.6
November 25.7 12.3 4.2
December 24.1 7.8 -0.8

Effects of temperature and travel tips

The difference in temperature between Hawaii and Japan can affect your travel plans. Below are some points to consider when traveling to each place.

Hawaii travel tips

  1. Light clothing : Hawaii is warm all year round, so you can wear light clothing. However, the sun is strong, so sunscreen is essential.
  2. What to do in the rainy season : There are short showers during the rainy season, but they usually clear up quickly. It is convenient to bring a rain jacket and a folding umbrella.
  3. Dry Season Fun : The dry season is ideal for outdoor activities. It's the perfect time to enjoy the beach, hike, snorkel and more.

Japan travel tips

  1. Dress appropriately for the four seasons : Japan has four distinct seasons, so you need to dress appropriately for the season. In winter, you'll need a thick coat and gloves, and in summer, you'll need light clothing and a hat.
  2. Rainy season : During the rainy season, humidity is high and there is a lot of rain. Waterproof shoes and rain gear are necessary.
  3. Autumn leaves and cherry blossoms : Spring and autumn are the best seasons for sightseeing. Many tourists visit to see the cherry blossoms and autumn leaves, so we recommend making your hotel reservations early.


The difference in temperature between Hawaii and Japan can have a big impact on how you plan and enjoy your trip. Hawaii's warm climate year-round means you can visit comfortably any time of year, whereas Japan's four seasons allow you to enjoy the charms of each season. By understanding the characteristics of each and making the appropriate preparations, you can enjoy a more fulfilling trip.


  • Japan Meteorological Agency "Japan Climate" Database
  • Hawaii Tourism Board "Hawaii's Climate and Weather"
  • Local tourist information sites
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