Hawaiian Culture

Hawaiian History and Traditions

Hawaiian History

The Hawaiian Islands are located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and their history began when ancient Polynesians sailed to Hawaii. They made long voyages following the stars, and arrived in Hawaii. The Kingdom of Hawaii was born when King Kamehameha the Great unified the islands. This rich history forms the foundation of Hawaiian culture today.


Hawaiian traditions can be seen in many festivals and ceremonies. Hula is a representative example, and is an important cultural heritage that tells stories through dance. The existence of priests and healers called Kahuna is also an important element of Hawaiian culture. These traditions have been passed down through generations and are deeply rooted in modern Hawaiian culture.

Cultural symbols and meanings

Hawaiian Art Symbols

Hawaiian art and design use many symbols, each with a deep meaning.

  • Honu (Sea Turtle) : Symbol of longevity, wisdom and protection, and important to Hawaii's marine ecosystem.
  • Plumeria : A flower that symbolizes beauty, grace and the renewal of spring. Known for its use in many leis.
  • Tea Leaf : A symbol of protection and prosperity, it is planted in homes and farmlands to ensure safety and prosperity for the family.
  • Kalau (leaf) : A symbol of health and healing. Used in traditional medicine.

Cultural Event Information

Major Cultural Events and Festivals

Hawaii hosts many cultural events and festivals throughout the year. These events are important opportunities to celebrate Hawaii's rich culture.

  • Merrie Monarch Festival : This is the largest hula competition and the largest event that brings together hula dancers from all over the world. It is held every April in Hilo, Hawaii.
  • Lei Day : A lei celebration held annually on May 1st, where beautiful leis are made and culture is celebrated.
  • King Kamehameha Day : A national holiday held every June 11th to honor King Kamehameha, who unified Hawaii. Parades and cultural events are held.
  • Aloha Festival : A celebration of Hawaiian cultural diversity with parades, music, dancing, food and more.